Clayton Dean Patterson was born Friday, March 15, 2002 in Wellington Kansas. From day one Clayton was a loving, happy baby who always had a smile. When Clayton was eight years old he was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. This is a life altering medical condition for anyone, but for a child the impact is tremendous.

Having to learn how to check blood sugars, administer insulin shots, adjust what you eat, is all only a small portion of what Clayton had to undergo. The day Clayton received his first Insulin Pump he smiled from ear to ear with excitement. This meant he would have just a few less needle sticks.

Clayton attended Camp Discovery, a Diabetes Summer Camp, in Junction City, Kansas, every year. Clayton learned more about how to care for his condition, as well as having the opportunity to make new friends who shared the same uniqueness as he. These friendships would go on to last a life time. Once Clayton was old enough, he became a camp counselor in training. Clayton did not ever want another child to feel alone with T1D. Many fellow campers and counselors always said “he was the life of the party.”

School Days

Clayton attended Clearwater schools from Kindergarten through high school, where he participated in Wrestling, Archery, Golf, Powerlifting, and Theater Tech Crew. Clayton was a big part of the Student Section at the football games, helping to motivate fellow students to show support for their team. Clayton and his friends started “Running Flags” after every touchdown. This is now a tradition at Clearwater High School still today.

Although Clayton had already graduated, after his death, the current students made a special flag to honor Clayton. The entire football game was the students of CHS’s way of honoring Clayton.

Clayton Patterson lived life to the fullest. He was full of energy and love for everyone he knew and even those he had not yet met.

SIBLINGS - Under Construction

FAMILY - Under Construction

FRIENDS- Under Construction

THE CRASH - Under Construction

GOODBYE - Under Construction

COURT - Under Construction

JUSTICE - Under Construction

All donations are used to help with Officer Training, equipment, community outreach & education.

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Clayton Dean Impact Project

110 West Central Avenue

Caldwell, Kansas 67022


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Clayton Dean Impact Project Corporation 2023